2025 holds the promise of the highly anticipated new Food Pantry building finally becoming a reality! The contract is signed, the land is being cleared, and the opening date is projected for late summer/early fall of this year. Stay tuned for more information about our Capital Campaign to raise the additional $650,000 needed to go into the new building DEBT FREE.
Grace Village Thrift
Open Saturdays ONLY
8am to 4pm
15730 Pocahontas Trail
Lanexa, VA 23089
(Donations can be dropped off any day EXCEPT THURSDAY!)
Click here for more info...

Our Programs

Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry is open the
1st and 3rd Friday of each month from 4 p.m.-6 p.m.
We serve all residents of New Kent County and upper James City County who meet our guidelines.
​​We are located at 20051 Tabernacle Rd., Barhamsville, VA 23011 behind Tabernacle CCC.
2025 holds the promise of the highly anticipated new Food Pantry building finally becoming a reality! The contract is signed, the land is being cleared, and the opening date is projected for late summer/early fall of this year.
Stay tuned for more information about our Capital Campaign to raise the additional $650,000 needed to go into the new building DEBT FREE.
Food is the most critical service item that we offer to our community neighbors. It gives them the sustenance to trudge forward during tough periods of life. Over 130,000 pounds of food was distributed through our Food Pantry in 2024, 10 home repairs were made, and 7 automobiles were repaired for those in our service area of New Kent and upper James City Counties. These numbers represent a multitude of hope given to those who had nowhere else to turn for help.
2025 is a great time for you to be a “cause for change” in this community through your volunteerism and financial giving to our non-profit. Become involved today!
December 2024, Vol. 6
Here we are about to step into 2025. From feeding hundreds, to providing essential roofs and handicapped ramps, to presenting a single mom with a “new to her car,” and signing a contract for Grace Ministries/New Food Pantry, PGO has had an incredible year. What an awesome and humbling blessing it is to be the Director of an organization that touches the lives of so many. You are all to be commended for your part in these accomplishments.
As we find ourselves in the height of the Christmas season, I am reminded today of the song lyric that says, “May the Spirit of Christmas be always in our hearts.” It seems this sentence speaks directly to our non-profit organization. We are blessed to change lives, show love, hug on, and care for people all through the year.
I wish each of you the Peace of Jesus this season and the bounty of a Happy 2025!
Melanie King, Executive Director

Proclaiming Grace Outreach
Proclaiming Grace Outreach is a 501(c)(3) faith-based non-profit organization serving all of New Kent County and upper James City County, Virginia.
The mission of Proclaiming Grace Outreach (PGO), a non-profit 501(c)(3) charity, is to provide a holistic approach to the needs of our community by providing food, clothing, and other services to help the disadvantaged and those with economic hardships. By loving all our neighbors, the world will see us reflecting the love and heart of our Savior, Jesus Christ.